The main goal of the project is to introduce digital modules at all levels of education to enable international cooperation in teaching focused on sustainable management of animal genetic and food resources at universities that prepare graduates for the production of food resources of animal origin.
The specific aims of the project are:
Activity 1 :: Harmonisation and innovation of curricula.
Activity 2 :: Creation of interactive educational materials.
Activity 3 :: Improving the quality of university teacher education.
Harmonisation and innovation of curricula
Emphasis will be placed on unifying the didactic procedures of the theoretical and practical part of the courses offered, with emphasis on providing current knowledge based on the requirements of production practice, including innovation in the context of precision farming and social requirements.
Creation of interactive educational materials
Emphasis will be placed on the technical, organisational and content side of courses for all higher education levels.
The common goal of this activities will be the preparation of a common digital module of electronic materials for teaching students at all university levels, accessible to students of partner universities.
Improving the quality of university teacher education
Emphasis will be placed on the professional and methodological readiness of academic staff for teaching in a virtual environment.
The first type of outputs will be the development of comprehensive modules for the education of students with a high share of innovation, interaction and digitisation.
The second type will be outputs aimed at increasing the competencies of academic staff.
The project solution will result in two types of outputs. In the final phase, these will be transformed in the form of a multiplier event, the target group of which will be
entities outside the project partnership. The multiplication event will take the form of a professional conference with international participation entitled: The use of
digitisation in the innovation of the content and structure of study programs and the inclusion of students in the management of animal genetic and food resources.
The ePALE platform will be used for communication and dissemination of knowledge, discussions, exchange of opinions and expansion of contacts in the field of education.
Platform for access to educational content of courses for all degree levels: Moodle (
Bc. Degree Module 1: Animal Genetics
Module "Animal Genetics" (Module 1) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management
with the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for the Bachelor's degree students. It is intended for students of study programs focused on
animal sciences and related disciplines. Module cover 12 subject topics dealing with the basic processes related to the molecular basis of heredity and the genetic determination
of qualitative and quantitative animal traits.
Go to the Module
Bc. Degree Module 2: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources
Module "Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources" (Module 2) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field
of animal genetic and food resources management with the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for the Bachelor's degree students. It is
intended for students of study programs focused on animal sciences and related disciplines. Module cover 12 subject topics dealing with the definition, characterisation,
conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources.
Go to the Module
Bc. Degree Module 3: Animal Breeding
Module "Animal Breeding" (Module 3) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management with
the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for the Bachelor's degree students. It is intended for students of study programs focused on animal
sciences and related disciplines. Module includes 12 topics covering genetic evaluation of livestock traits, breeding programs and management of economic and genetic progress
in the population.
Go to the Module
Bc. Degree Module 4: Precision Livestock Farming
Module "Precision Livestock Farming" (Module 4) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management
with the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for the Bachelor's degree students. It is intended for students of study programs focused
on animal sciences and related disciplines. Module 4 includes 12 topics focusing on the importance of biodiversity in breeding work and the specific features of breeding different
livestock and companion animal species.
Go to the Module
Masters Degree Module 1: Animal Genetics
Module "Animal Genetics" (Masters Module 1) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management
with the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for the master degree students. Module includes 4 topics dealing with genetics of production and reproduction traits,
genetics of colour and livestock genomics. In addition to the theoretical lectures, the module includes practical examples together with explanations of their solutions. Students can quickly verify the knowledge acquired in each topic through short tests.
Go to the Module
Masters Degree Module 2: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources
Module "Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources" (Masters Module 2) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management
with the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for students at master degree level. It is intended for students of study programmes
focused on animal sciences as well as related disciplines. Module 2 includes 4 topics dealing with the analysis of the biodiversity status of animal genetic resources using pedigree
and genomic data, methods for optimising mating plans and bioinformatic tools for assessing livestock genome variability. In addition to the theoretical lectures, the module includes
practical examples together with explanations of their solutions. Students can quickly verify the knowledge acquired in each topic through short tests.
Go to the Module
Masters Degree Module 3: Animal Breeding
Module "Animal Breeding" (Masters Module 3) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management
with the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for students at master degree level. It is intended for students of study programmes
focused on animal sciences as well as related disciplines. Module 2 includes 4 topics dealing with genetic parameters of populations, genetic value of individuals, selection effect
and crossbreeding effect. In addition to the theoretical lectures, the module includes practical examples together with explanations of their solutions. Students can quickly verify the knowledge acquired in each topic through short tests.
Go to the Module
Masters Degree Module 4: Precision Livestock Farming
Module "Precision Livestock Farming" (Masters Module 4) as an output of the project "Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management
with the use of digitalisation – ISAGREED" (Programme Erasmus+) provides study materials for students at master degree level. It is intended for students of study programmes
focused on animal sciences as well as related disciplines. Module 2 4 topics dealing with the evaluation and processing of bee products, dog breeds and the evaluation of their predisposition for working with humans, contemporary
developments in the processing of raw materials of animal origin and their qualitative assessment, and genetic parentage testing. In addition to the theoretical lectures, the module
includes practical examples together with an explanation of their solution. Students can quickly verify the knowledge acquired in each topic through short tests.
Go to the Module
Kick-off Meeting :: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia — September 28-30, 2022
The first transnational meeting of the project ISAGREED - Innovation of the structure and concept of study programs in the field of animal genetic and food resources management with the use of digitalisation (2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000032068) took place from 28 to 30 September 2023,
whose main objective is, as the name implies, the use of digitalisation in education at all three levels of higher education in the field of management of animal genetic and food resources. The project involves 4 partners,
namely the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) as the main coordinator, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic), the Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic) and the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences
and Humanities (Poland). The main objective of the Kick-off meeting in Nitra, which was attended by representatives of all partner institutions, was to update the timetable
and planning of activities for the next period, presentation of the project logo, website and other promotional materials, which will be used for dissemination of project results
and planning of implementation outputs. During the meeting, working groups that will be involved in the preparation of the content of 4 modules (Animal Genetics, Conservation
and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources, Animal Breeding, Precision Animal Breeding) in the next period of the project were established to harmonize and innovate the
curricula between the partners at the first level of education. On the last day of this working meeting prof. Ing. Luboš Vostrý, Ph.D. in the framework of the first dissemination
activity gave a lecture on "The use of inbreeding and heterosis in livestock breeding".
Kick-off Meeting (The First Transnational Meeting) :: Programme :: Gallery
XXIX Genetic Days – International Scientific Conference :: Slavkov u Brna, Czechia — October 5-7, 2022
From 5 to 7 October 2022, a conference was held in Slavkov near Brno for members of the Gregor Mendel Genetic Society, traditional participants of the Genetic Days Conference as well as for
all those interested in genetics from the broader scientific community and students. During the conference, the ISAGREED project was actively presented by representatives of
the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (prof. Ing. Luboš Vostrý, Ph.D.) and the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (prof. Ing. Radovan Kasarda, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Nina Moravčíková, PhD., Ing. Eva Strapáková, PhD. and Ing. Jozef Bujko, PhD.). The aim was to present the project, its main objectives and outputs
to the broader and narrower scientific community and especially to the students.
XXIX Genetic Days :: Gallery
Didactic seminar for academics in the field of digital education :: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia — February 1-3, 2023
The international cooperative partnership project between universities from Slovakia (FAFR, SUA Nitra) Czech Republic (CZU Prague and MU Brno) and Poland (Siedlce University) supported by ERASMUS+ funds has entered the second year of implementation.
From 1st to 3rd February, the first LTT (Learning, Teaching, Training) didactic activity for academics focusing on digital learning took place in Nitra. In the framework of the meeting, 3 selected lectures were organized for project participants from Slovakia and partner countries. The invitation was accepted by
PhDr. Mgr. Jana Kollár Rybanská, PhD. director of the university counseling and support centre SUA Nitra, who gave an
ing lecture on the topic "Activating didactic methods and their use in online higher education". The lecture not only summarized the experience and attitude of students
towards online and hybrid forms of education so far, it outlined the advantages of online communication from the perspective of today's generation of students, as well as the need for teachers to be creative in terms of activating and motivating students when studying in the online space.
Another invited speaker was Assoc. PaeDr. Peter Brečka, PhD. from the Department of Technology and Information Technology, UKF Nitra, who presented the topic "E-learning - key concepts, principles and specifics of distance text creation, organization of study", which was focused on the
definition of content and scope in relation to the needs of education. This more methodological and technical lecture was followed by a lecture by Ing. Erik Janšt, PhD. from the Institute of Marketing and Social Studies, FEM SUA Nitra on the topic "Digitalization of education is not the goal, but the tool", which only confirmed the need
for innovation in the educational process and the need to use digitalization in the process of higher education. As it was said the digital transformation has to take place efficiently, today centralized online materials are available, but it is necessary to develop tools that will develop active participation and promote collaboration and
develop different applications towards personalized learning taking into account the specific needs of learners. However, as it has been said, there is a need to measure and evaluate the performance of applications and learners, which is relatively easy with the cloud-based solutions available today.
Didactic seminar for academics in the field of digital education :: Programme :: Gallery
Course in the genomic data processing :: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia — February 6-7, 2023
A course for students at the third level of education (Ph.D.) of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, oriented on basic manipulation of genomic data as well as evaluation of the state
f biodiversity of genetic resources, was held at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra from 6 to 7 February 2023 under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ing. Nina Moravčíková, PhD.
The course was attended by students and the ISAGREED project researchers, who presented to the students the main aim of the project and its contribution to education at the third
level of higher education.
Course in the genomic data processing :: Gallery
The FAFR SUA in Nitra Open Day 2023 :: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia — February 24, 2023
In line with a long-standing tradition, the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources of the SUA in Nitra organized an Open Day for secondary school students, parents and other interested students which
took place on 24 February 2023. It included a presentation of the ISAGREED project, where students and all interested parties had the opportunity to learn about the main purpose
of the project as well as the tools they can use in the future in their studies at the SUA in Nitra.
The FAFR SUA in Nitra Open Day 2023 :: Gallery
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czechia — March 24, 2023
On 24 March 2023, an open day was held at the CZU Prague campus, during which students had the opportunity to get information about the study programs, specialised workplaces as well
as the faculties' premises. It also included a presentation of the ISAGREED project, while colleagues from CZU in Prague provided students and all interested parties with information
about the project and its benefits for the education of students at all three levels of higher education.
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Gallery
The First Regional EAAP Meeting in Nitra :: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia — April 26-28, 2023
From 26 to 28 April 2023, the 1st EAAP regional meeting dedicated to animal sciences and the livestock sector of Central European countries took place in Nitra. The conference, which
took place at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and was held over two days, was attended by approximately 160 registered participants who presented more than 140 scientific
papers in the form of theatre presentations or posters. The papers were divided into different sections dealing with animal nutrition, genetics and animal breeding systems.
All of these issues are also beneficial for developing the content of the modules within the ISAGREED project, especially concerning the use of the most recent results of scientific
research in the practical teaching of students. In addition to the presentation of the ISAGREED project itself during this meeting, the project representatives of the partner
institutions presented its benefits and potential during the scientific sessions.
The First Regional EAAP Meeting in Nitra :: Gallery
The Second transnational meeting of the ISAGREED project :: Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czechia — May 31 - June 2, 2023
The international cooperative partnership project led by the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources SUA in Nitra, partners from the Czech Republic (ČZU Prague and MU Brno)
and Poland (Siedlce University) supported by ERASMUS+ funds has entered the next phase of implementation. The second project meeting of the consortium ISAGREED - Innovation of
the content and structure of study programmes in the field of management of animal genetic and food resources with the use of digitisation - took place on 31 May - 2 June at the
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. The meeting evaluated the progress of the tasks within the individual study modules Animal Breeding, Animal Genetics, Precision Livestock
Farming and Sustainable Utilisation of Animal Genetic Resources. The partners responsible for the individual modules discussed the progress of the shared proposals for study materials
in terms of form and content in order to meet the main objective of the project, the introduction of digital modules at all levels of education in the context of international
cooperation in teaching focused on sustainable management of animal genetic and food resources at universities that prepare graduates for the production of food resources of animal origin.
These activities are intended to have a multiplier effect, as international cooperation in education will contribute to increased cooperation in science and research as well as in the
training of academics and practitioners. The ISAGREED project is progressing with the aim of preparing modules for the Bachelor's degree in order to fulfil the first horizontal activity of the project by the end of this academic year
The Second transnational meeting of the ISAGREED project in Prague :: Programme :: Gallery
Seminar of the Department of Animal Morphology, Physiology and Genetics :: Mendel University in Brno, Czechia — June 16, 2023
On 16 June 2023, the ISAGREED project was presented at the seminar of the Institute of Animal Morphology, Physiology and Genetics. Prof. Urban presented the objectives of the project, the importance of the project for increasing the quality of teaching
not only at MENDELU and for increasing the digital skills of academic staff. He informed colleagues about the project outputs and activities that have already been carried out and those that are planned.
Seminar, Mendel University :: Brno, Czechia :: Gallery
Agrokomplex 2023 :: Nitra, Slovakia — August 17-23, 2023
From 17 to 20 August 2023, the International Agricultural and Food Exhibition Agrokomplex was held in Nitra for the 48th time. It offered visitors a varied presentation of innovations in the field of agriculture and food processing, as well as a rich accompanying programme for
the professional and general public. The exhibition included presentations of livestock, agricultural technology, regenerative and precision farming and much more. The Hunting, Fishing
and Beekeeping exhibition was held simultaneously with the Agrokomplex. During this exhibition prof. Kasarda presented the objectives, outputs and benefits of the ISAGREED project
at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra stand to a wide range of visitors, including students.
Agrokomplex 2023 in Nitra, Slovakia :: Gallery
European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) Annual Congress :: Lyon, France — August 26 - September 1, 2023
From 26 August to 1 September 2023, the annual international congress of the EAAP (European Federation of Animal Science) was held in Lyon, France. This year, more than 2200 scientists, researchers, representatives of animal breeding companies, and representatives of universities from more than
75 countries attended the event to present their research over five days in more than 90 sessions focusing on genetics, nutrition, health, welfare, physiology, and technology in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, insects,
fish and poultry, as well as companion animal species, including precision livestock farming. This congress, considered one of the biggest in the field of animal sciences,
was also attended by five ISAGREED project participants, who actively presented its objectives, focus and benefits for the education and training of professionals within the different
agricultural sectors.
EAAP 2023 Annual Conference in Lyon, France :: Gallery
Animal Science Days 2023 :: Lipica, Slovenia — September 20 - 23, 2023
The 31st edition of the International Symposium Animal Science Days 2023 was held in Lipica, Slovenia, from 20 to 22 September 2023. The conference featured invited speakers and presentations selected from participants' contributions.
This year's programme included a variety of sessions in the field of animal sciences, including a session on ethology and animal welfare, which was also the theme of the course for
students: Animal Welfare and Sustainability, held on 19 September. Presentations by ISAGREED project participants at the conference included information about the project and its
contribution to the education process of students at agricultural-oriented universities.
Animal Science Days 2023, Lipica, Slovenia :: Gallery
Night of Scientists at CZU in Prague :: Prague, Czechia — October 6, 2023
Partners from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague actively presented the joint Erasmus + project 2021-1 SK01-KA220-HED-000032068 at the event for the public "Night of Scientists" in October 2023 directly on the premises of CZU in Prague.
Night of Scientists at CZU in Prague :: Prague, Czechia :: Gallery
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czechia — November 10, 2023
On 10 November 2023, an open day was held at the CZU Prague campus, during which students had the opportunity to get information about the study programs, specialised workplaces as well as the faculties' premises. It also included a presentation of the ISAGREED project,
while colleagues from CZU in Prague provided students and all interested parties with information about the project and its benefits for the education of students at all three levels
of higher education.
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Gallery
Presentation of ISAGREED project modules at UPH Siedlce :: Siedlce, Poland
In December 2023, colleagues from UPH Siedlce (Poland) presented to the students during a teaching lecture modules prepared within the ISAGREED project as well as the possibilities how they can actively use them during their studies.
Presentation of ISAGREED project modules at UPH Siedlce, Siedlce, Poland :: Gallery
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czechia — January 19, 2024
On 19 January 2024, an open day was held at the CZU Prague campus, during which students had the opportunity to get information about the study programs, specialised workplaces as well as the faculties' premises. It
also included a presentation of the ISAGREED project, while colleagues from CZU in Prague provided students and all interested parties with information about the project and its
benefits for the education of students at all three levels of higher education.
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Gallery
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czechia — March 22, 2024
On 22 March 2024, an open day was held at the CZU Prague campus, during which students had the opportunity to get information about the study programs, specialised workplaces as well as the faculties' premises. It also included a presentation of the
ISAGREED project, while colleagues from CZU in Prague provided students and all interested parties with information about the project and its benefits for the education of students
at all three levels of higher education.
The CZU in Prague Open Day :: Gallery
Didactic seminar for academics in problem-based teaching :: Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic — 21 - 23 February 2024
The international cooperation project ISAGREED (ERASMUS+) between the universities CZU Praha, MENDELU Brno, UPH Siedlce and SPU Nitra has successfully entered the third year of its solution. The first of the planned activities for 2024 was the organization of a didactic seminar at Mendel University in Brno.
The seminar, oriented towards the education of academic staff in the field of problem-based teaching, took place on 21-23 February 2024. The seminar included 3 invited lectures. The first lecturer was Mgr. David Kryštof, Ph.D.
(Department of Social Sciences, Institute of Lifelong Learning, Mendel University in Brno) with the topic "Problem-based teaching at universities, how teach and motivate students", which was devoted to the practical use of problem- a
nd project-oriented tasks during the education of university students, as well as the specifics and advantages of such teaching in comparison with classical methods of education. In the second talk on the topic "Possibilities of
personalizing the approach to students with specific needs" presented by Mgr. Lenka Falk, Ph.D. (Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Institute of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) presented
various methods and approaches that can be used when working with students with specific needs. The last speaker was Mgr. Martin Richter (Media and Communication Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University), presented
a really actual topic "AI in pedagogical practice". I would like to thank all the speakers for their engaging and inspiring lectures. In addition to these lectures, the partners also organized a visit to the Mendel Museum and the MENDELIANUM Interactive Museum for the seminar participants, both of which are good examples of how
to present knowledge in the field of genetics to students attractively and interactively.
Didactic seminar for academics in problem-based teaching :: Mendel University in Brno, Czechia :: Programme
Didactic seminar for academics in problem-based teaching :: Mendel University in Brno, Czechia :: Lecture 1 :: Lecture 2 :: Lecture 3
Didactic seminar for academics in problem-based teaching :: Mendel University in Brno, Czechia :: Gallery
The FAFR SUA in Nitra Open Day 2024 :: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia — March 14, 2024
The Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources of SPU in Nitra prepared and organized an Open Day for secondary school students, parents and others interested in studying this year as well, which took place on March 14, 2024. It included a presentation of
the ISAGREED project, where students and all interested parties had the opportunity to learn about the main purpose of the project as well as the tools they can use in the future in their studies at the SUA in Nitra.
The FAFR SUA in Nitra Open Day 2024 :: Gallery
Third transnational meeting of the ISAGREED project and didactic seminar organised by partners from the University of Siedlce :: Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland — July 8-11, 2024
On 8 – 11 July 2024, partners from CZU Prague, MENDELU Brno, SPU in Nitra and the University of Siedlce met in Poland to participate in the transnational meeting and didactic seminar. This time the seminar was focused on the training of teachers in the field of inclusion of participants with lack of opportunities. Dr. Bartolomej Suchodolski gave a lecture on "Student as a consumer from the perspective of behavioural economics" and
prof. Agniszska Dybowska presented the topic "How to inspire students to participate in civil society during teaching classes?" Dr. Ewa Jówko complemented the didactic seminar with a practical workshop by presenting "An innovative model of universal design thinking at a university", which focused on working with students with specific needs (visual, hearing, mobility or various learning disabilities). The training also included a professional
excursion to the Janów Podlaski stud farm, focusing on the protection of animal genetic resources. The meeting in Siedlce also included a project management meeting, which focused on monitoring the fulfilment of project tasks - the level of elaboration of topics within the framework of the second degree of university studies and discussion on the form and preparation of self-testing. At the same time, topics related to the further progress of
the project were discussed mainly in connection to the preparation of the final meeting, which will held in November 2024 in Nitra.
3rd Transnational meeting and didactic seminar :: Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland :: Programme
3rd Transnational meeting and didactic seminar :: Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland :: Lecture 1 :: Lecture 2
3rd Transnational meeting and didactic seminar :: Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland :: Gallery
Agrokomplex 2024 (49th International Agricultural and Food Exhibition) :: Nitra, Slovakia — August 15-18, 2024
Similarly to 2023, in 2024, Prof. Kasarda presented the ISAGREED project at the stand of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra during the international agricultural and food exhibition Agrokomplex, which 49th edition took place from 15.8 to 18.8.2024 in Nitra.
This event enjoys a large attendance from both the professional and general public, which offers a unique opportunity to present the outputs and benefits of the
project to a wide range of visitors, including current and upcoming university students.
Agrokomplex 2024 :: Gallery
Animal Science Days 2024 :: Oberaichwald, Austria – October 2-4, 2024
The 32nd edition of the Animal Science Days conference took place in Oberaichwald (Austria), from 2 to 4 October 2024. This meeting, organised annually, aims to foster collaboration between colleagues from
Central and Eastern Europe, interested academics and professionals from all over the world in the field of animal science to make their cooperation and exchange of knowledge more
effective and, most importantly, to promote a new generation of young scientists and professionals in this field. This year, the topics of the presentations were oriented towards
breeding and genetics, nutrition and physiology, health, husbandry and livestock farming systems. During the meeting, the ISAGREED project was actively presented by prof. Vostrý
and Ing. Vostrá Vydrová from CZU Prague and prof. Kasarda and doc. Moravčíková from SPU in Nitra.
Animal Science Days 2024 :: Gallery
75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences (EAAP) :: Florence, Italy – September 1-5, 2024
During the 75th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, which took place in Florence (Italy) from 1 September to 5 September 2024, the ISAGREED project was actively presented by prof. Vostrý and Ing. Vostrá Vydrová from CZU Praha and prof. Kasarda and doc. Moravčíková from SPU in Nitra. Because this congress is the largest congress in the
field of animal sciences in the world in terms of the number of participants (scientists, academics and PhD students) as well as presentations, participation in it allowed the project
investigators to make the project visible not only locally but also globally.
75th EAAP Annual Meeting :: Gallery
Genetic Days 2024 :: Wałbrzych, Poland – September 10-13, 2024
The 30th Genetic Days, organized every two years by universities from 3 countries: the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, was held in Wałbrzych (Poland) from 10.9 to 13.9.2024. As in previous years, the conference focused on the genetics of humans, livestock, domestic animals, crops and plants in terms of cytogenetics and molecular,
quantitative, conservation, evolutionary or landscape genetics. Alongside scientists, students (especially PhD) regularly participate in the conference. This year, the meeting was
attended by representatives of the three ISAGREED project partners: prof. Kasarda and doc. Moravčíková from SPU in Nitra, prof. Vostrý and Ing. Vostrá Vydrová from CZU Prague and
prof. Urban and prof. Knoll from MENDELU Brno, who actively presented the outputs of the project, especially in terms of improving the digitalization of education at all
three levels of university studies.
International Conference Genetic Days 2024 :: Gallery
Multiplier event :: Conference — Current trends in crop and livestock production :: Nitra, Slovakia – September 1, 2024
The multiplication event of the ISAGREED project in the form of a professional conference entitled "Current trends in plant and animal production" took place on 11.9.2024 at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources of the SUA in Nitra. This event was attended by local experts, specialists from the Czech University
of Life Sciences in Prague, representatives of research institutions, agricultural and food production practice. The main objective of the multiplier event from the project perspective
was to present the developed electronic modules of study materials as well as new approaches in the field of digitalization of education, problem-based teaching and inclusion of
participants with lack of opportunities to participants outside the partnership..
Current trends in crop and livestock production :: Gallery
Current trends in crop and livestock production :: Conference Website (Programme)
Final Meeting :: Nitra, Slovakia – November 13-15, 2024
The final meeting of the ISAGREED project was held on 13-15 November 2024 at the SUA in Nitra, in order to evaluate realized activities of the project, created outputs and at the same time to plan the
tasks and activities in its final phase. Representatives of all partner organisations (SUA Nitra, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Mendel University Brno and UPH Siedlce)
participated in this meeting. Since the primary task of the project is to create interactive educational modules for students at all three levels of higher education, the date of
the final meeting was selected to correspond with the scientific conference of Ph.D. students, which was held at the SUA in Nitra on 14.11.2024 and at which the representatives of
partner universities actively presented the project. In the afternoon the project partners continued in the official programme of the Project meeting. On the last day of the meeting
prof. Ing. Luboš Vostrý, Ph.D. from Czech University of Life Sciences Prague gave a selected lecture for the students, the aim of which was to introduce the project itself and at
the same time to present various aspects of the use and effect of inbreeding and heterosis in livestock breeding.
Final Meeting Nitra :: Programme
Final Meeting Nitra :: Gallery
Transnational Project Meeting :: Prague, Czechia – November 26-27, 2024
On November 26-27, 2024, part of the Project team gathered at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. The meeting was an exciting opportunity to introduce joint of the ISAGREED project to colleagues from Austria, Serbia, and Montenegro. It also focused on building new collaborations and brainstorming ideas for future projects.
Transnational Project Meeting, Prague :: Programme
Transnational Project Meeting, Prague :: Photo
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 2
949 76 Nitra
Slovak Republic
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Kamýcká 129
165 00 Praha - Suchdol
Czech Republic
Mendel University in Brno
Zemědělská 1665/1
613 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Konarskiego 2 street
08-110 Siedlce
Prof. Ing. Radovan Kasarda, Ph.D. (Project Manager)
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 2
949 76 Nitra
Slovak Republic
Prof. Ing. Luboš Vostrý, Ph.D.
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU)
Kamýcká 129
165 00 Prague - Suchdol
Czech Republic
Prof. Ing. Tomáš Urban, Ph.D.
Mendel University in Brno
Zemědělská 1665/1
613 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Prof. dr hab. Stanislaw Socha
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
Konarskiego 2 street
08-110 Siedlce